Monday, May 7, 2007

Babies and Gardens

I made this page over the weekend using one of Denise Bailey's kits, Blush. I love how this turned out. I especially like the lullaby in the corner. It just made the page for me. I also like the use of negative space. I think it really draws attention to the photo, which is one of my very favorites of Katie as a baby. I wish I could claim credit for the great design, but it's a lift of Emily Powers. Didn't it turn out great?

Full Credits HERE

Also, we've firmed up some of our plans for our backyard. It's taken absolutely ages for us to decide what we really want to do. For those of you who participated in the Designers' Challenge, we WILL be giving out the prizes. We still haven't decided who won, but we will be making the announcement soon. We'll be using many of the pre-planned gardens from High Country Gardens (which is based in Santa Fe and has an extension in ABQ). We'll also have raised planters next to the house; one will be for herbs and the others for vegetables. We're also going to try growing cherries and plums. Hopefully I won't kill all my plants, since we haven't ever done anything like this before, but I'll do my best! I'll post some pictures as the work progresses.

Here's the Butterfly Garden that will go along the east wall:

In the north-east corner, under the crape myrtles, we'll have this xeric rose and perennial garden:

Along the north wall we'll plant this "Big Easy" xeric garden. I'm the least worried about this one; it has easy in the name, so it sounds great for us:

Finally, along the west wall we'll plant the Jumbo Waterwise Garden:

Hopefully we're not getting in over our heads. We spent a lot of time researching and planning, so hopefully that will all pay off!